An ad hoc group of Canadian academics have named September 9th and 10th as days of anti-racist action:

Scholars across Canadian universities are outraged at the relentless anti-Black police killings of Black people in the U.S. and in Canada. As athletes have done, so, too, must academics.   We will be joining thousands of academics in higher education in a labour action known as Scholar Strike to protest anti-Black, racist and colonial police brutality in the U.S., Canada and elsewhere.  …

The Canadian action is aligned with the one in the U.S., in its call for racial justice, an end to anti-Black police violence and it adds a specific focus on anti-Indigenous, colonial violence.  

Scholar Strike Canada

Mine is one of many signatures in support of the action.

There are two days of online teach-in events and useful resources on the Scholars Strike Canada page, and groupings and institutions across the country have gathered a plethora of materials, from anti-racist reading lists to local resources. I will fight my magpie instincts and forebear from creating another soon-to-go stale list here, but I would like to point out two items of particular or specific local interest:

  • Finally, this story in The New York Times about NYC birder Christian Cooper’s new graphic story (links to the story, “It’s a Bird,” available for free, in the NYT piece).

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